Sunday, March 21, 2010

Earth Hour 2010

On the 27th of March 2010, 8:30 P.M., a Saturday, the world will be celebrating a tradition that started in Sydney, Australia 3 years ago. In 2008 35 countries participated. In 2009 88 countries participated.

A little bragging here. In 2009 a week or so before the actual EH2009, I was so busy making the pitch for this worldwide event. I made posters, emailed friends, co-workers and everyone else, friend or foe, who would listen to participate on this great and worthwhile event. I made great preparations, synchronized my watch, the wall clock with the time with a world time server, bought little candles and when the time is nigh, I have my kids prepared. Eldest daughter manning the street post light and the rooms switches. Son the back and the TVs. Youngest daughter to light the candles (she wanted to start with that birthday candles of hers). My wife promised to turn off the computer after telling all her Facebook Friends about this event. And I will be the one shouting “Turn them off!!!”. A great plan that was. We were all hyped. We’re locked and we’re loaded. And then, it happened….

Blackout! Our electric company has turned off the electricity! PELCO I, that’s Pampanga Electric Cooperative has pulled off the mother switch!!! Minutes before EH. And I was kinda… well my mouth’s open, the kids are all in suspended animation, the wife is cursing because she ain’t finished yet and haven’t said her prerequisite good-byes. I was… hell I don’t know.
We’ll it then struck me, what PELCO did was ingenious, dictatorial indeed but, ingenious. It was the first time that I had to thank them, not openly thought, for a power failure or whatever you call that. I mean, instead of our home and some others participating, the whole town of Magalang and other towns under PELCO’s jurisdiction went black.

There’s more to this story…. Kids’ asking about the Hospitals and clinics and patients and babies and elevators. Reassuring them that they have standby generators and that all will be well.

OK now. 7 nights from now EH2010 will begin. I am hoping that all of those who read this piece participate or better yet contact their respective electricity providers to participate for them, blacken the whole place. But make sure that hospitals and clinics and patients and babies and elevators got the necessary juices.
Happy Earth Hour to all!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it’s amazing. The miracle has been done. Well done.
Hat’s off. Well done, as we know that “hard work always pays off”, after a long struggle with sincere effort it’s done
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